Cryptotask : Join the freelance revolution with Cryptotask

Join the freelance revolution with Cryptotask

Obviously, we now know that blockchain technology is the foundation or rather the building block of all the important innovations that are taking place today. The market shines with brilliance and all the credit goes directly to Mr. Blockchain because it always offers the users the opportunity they have always been looking for. After the blockchain technology became so successful, the other projects followed the goal of decentralizing more than just the normal mono systems. Crypto Task is another intriguing result of Blockchain. 

Introduction The 

main objective is a decentralized network based entirely on blockchain technology. This will help to destroy and erase all current freelance systems.

It is also known that blockchain technology is being applied to the currently flourishing freelance market. At the moment, the commercial as well as the financial potential for the same is very great. When decentralization is implemented with immediate effect, it will offer users many benefits, such as very low fees, censorship, transparency in disputes, no limit on financial transactions, etc. When it comes to Blockchain and its benefits, the list is always endless.

Benefits of the Crypt Task (

There are many things that Crypto Task will help us with. Here is everything.

First of all, it will be quite convenient and easy for a soul to find Crypto Task jobs because Blockchain is already taking care of it. All the interested users need to do is apply as freelancers and save on their fees.

Then comes the phase where you can do your tasks with Crypto Task. There are limits to the financial costs and no censorship.

The final benefits are for the appraisers. Even without dispute, these reviewers can earn a lot of money for the purpose.


Less Fees: The unnecessary overhead costs are easily wiped off by Blockchain.The lower fees not only give potential customers better access, but also give them the opportunity to participate in the future. This also serves as a supplement to the ecosystem.

No censorship: this brings freedom of speech and freedom of action for the present and the future.

No limitation: the value of the tasks is very much welcomed by the Crypto Task platform.

The Dispute system is fully scalable and works completely different from other third-party systems. The dispute resolution system is completely independent and works independently.

Resistance Attacks: The entire description is in the white paper, which shows the calculations as well as the probability.

The token sale

The pre-ICO sale for the platform is already over. The token used for the platform is Cryptotask (CTF).

The Smart contract has decided the hard cap and will depend entirely on pre-sale. So, the decided hard cap is 10,000 ETH. The maximum number of tokens used in the platform is 11,000,000 CTF.

Statistically, the approximate total number of tokens sold in the pre-ICO is 2,000,000 CTF and Crypto Task aims to sell nearly 9,000,000 CTF tokens in the ICO.

The use of funds is as follows: 

50% - Development
30% - Marketing sector
10% - Adviser
5% - Legal
4.6% - Reserves
0.4% - Reward programs.

Crypto Task ensures that funds are properly and evenly distributed in all sectors, and the fund department shows the same.

The final verdict 

Crypto Task is defiant for those investors who seek to achieve a significant improvement in the future. Freelancing is not the only reason to invest, but there are a few other mathematically proven reasons. Well, if you ask me, I'm pretty confident and feel like this project is sure to be one of the milestones.

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