QUANTUM 1 NET - Keeps All Personal Data Safe

Hallo all, in this blog I will review about Quantum 1Net Transmission Quantum Data Transmission Safe project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:
QUANTUM 1 NET - Keeps All Personal Data Safe

Company Overview

Quantum1Net and its affiliates included were created in 2017 for design; produce, and market, secure data communications for personal computing, mobile, and satellite transmissions. The Company provides various network security services and solutions related to third-party digital content and applications.

Most recent attempts have focused on quantum encryption, and worked on Quantum encryption keys, the next described

The Quantum Key encryption

The key generator of quantum encryption is the heart of Quantum1Net's encryption strategy. To review, produces a multi-random number of mathematical properties derived in the case of the primary RSA factorization. There is one major problem however, The random generator used is only pseudo-random (usually referred to as PRNGs), so the RSA Key is pseudo-random. Testing has proven that PRNGs show repetitive patterns of behavior when choosing so-called "random numbers." This pattern means that with sufficient results, predictions can be made for future preferred numbers.

Thus, PRNGs are not really random. Quantum1Net instead relies on Quantum Key Generator encryption (QEKG). Due to the nature of the quantum computers themselves, tests have shown that even in large samples, the selected numbers follow the pattern there so no predictive algorithm can be derived. The graph below shows our results for both PRNG and QEKG tests on a 20,000 sample slightly 50,000 times long. Using a PRNG, after 50,000 tests this is clearly visual data predictive even after the first attempt of 10,000 or so. With QEKG it does not happen. Look at the bottom of the chart where the points are more dispersed. Unlike PRNG charts, in the QEKG graph there is no clear pattern for their location.

This is possible with one-qubit quantum optical device; Very large quantum computers (and expensive) meanings are not necessary to generate quantum encryption keys. We use a process known as quantum entanglement in such a way that it produces multiple sets of randomly correlated numbers so that combining two or more sets can only obtain the entire encryption key. While the wider discussion of this process is beyond the scope of this paper, this behavior makes random numbers completely random.

Behavior-like patterns of PRNGs make quantum computing attacks against not only RSA, but also other public key algorithms such as Diffie-Hellman and elliptical curve cryptography that utilize shirt's or algorithms or their derivatives effectively. Because the QEKG key is produced nonalgorithmic at random, the system using this generator will withstand the attack. Therefore, the race is to ensure that real-world systems are practically in place using QEKG, which is exactly what Quantum1Net is currently working to achieve.

Quantum1Net’s Misi

Innovation is what drives the Quantum1Net team, we are determined to create a very powerful technology, make it accessible, relevant, and ultimately personal. Quantum1Net's mission is to create technology that enables and empowers. We have designed the product so safe that you do not have to worry now or in the future about the security of your data. We introduce an unparalleled level of technical innovation, combined with system design that connects with users to provide critical security, ease of use, and peace of mind.

Every year, Quantum1Net plans to reinvest about 20% of revenue into research and development of new network security solutions to improve transmission of choice for people worldwide suffering from unsafe data transmission. This will make Quantum1Net a significantly research-intensive company.


Quantum1Net ICO Two types of tokens begin with.

1 token for Sale: Silver Token (Silver) February 2018, Ethereum Based on 15 millions of sales.

2 Gold token (Gold) July 2018 and 2019 Bitcoin Based on QEK, 18 million sales

The personal idea is that; In the future, Quantum1Net can safely store all your personal and official data without worrying about the security of your data in the future. Iconun has a short time to start Do not you want to donate to your future project? Then apply immediately without losing more time.

Note: The sales token will begin in February 2018. Do not miss the opportunity.


Some Resources For Reference:


Eth 0xf1Aee635fb241e9668bE8d32Dd1AffA39Fc4a744
