The yanu ICO feature

Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the yanu project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, as follows:

Yanu is a completely self-governing A.I. enabled bartending unit. It serves refreshments, handles instalments, distinguishes and speaks with customers.


Yanu is a self-governing robot bartending unit that offers and serves refreshments. The Yanu bartending unit will help bar-proprietors serve more customers quicker, without any mistakes and with lower costs. As a client the advantages are self-evident: YANU always remembers anybody, gets a beverage into equal parts a moment, speaks with customers by means of an application, regards clients like a VIP in the event that they pay in YANU tokens and goes about as an individual colleague of sorts. This model is appropriate for clubs, bars, lodgings, boats and films.

YANU business reasoning

They think and work for long haul objectives

Yanu dangers are overseen painstakingly.

Transparency in detailing for partners.

They esteem group and need them to esteem objectives.

They will finish the arrangement.


Many work showcases in high-pay economies confront basic changes (rising work costs, a lack of reasonable labourers, and so on.) caused by statistic and instructive changes in networks these days. Consequently, entrepreneurs are taking a gander at approaches to computerize dull and repetitive assignments. These issues are particularly intense in the administration division, where workforce vacillation and the absence of prepared representatives is relatively overpowering. The freshest and most mainstream choice being the usage of client confronting robots, which are intended to help or supplant human labourers who play out this sort of undertakings. As client confronting robots are being conveyed by various organizations, a portion of the business' sections are falling behind in efficiency and advancement because of the absence of monetarily suitable administration robots accessible.

The most astounding advantages of automated administration units (RSUs) include

A less fatty serving process. Mechanical accuracy guarantees no coincidental mistakes like false estimating. The decrease in manual work. As the robots just need standard support and by and large, no full-time representatives are required. Expanded security. Finish computerization discounts mistakes or purposeful burglary.

Client recognizable proof calculations can perform snappy and exact age confirmation. Diminished work costs. Sometimes close to zero work costs. Expanded profitability. On a yearly premise, the normal yield of one RSU squares with the manual work of four all-day specialists. 25% expansion in week after week working hours because of more adaptable working/run-time.

Expanded quality. Machines offer predictable quality that can be tuned to fulfil. 10-15% less material misfortune on a yearly premise because of enhanced (mechanical) exactness.

Token Economics

They token has worked in attributes to expand request and liquidity, restricting supply and giving a drawback insurance.

Demand for the token is made by rebates, which welcome customers to buy tokens from the open market and pay with tokens. ROBOLAB is putting forth up to half rebates on units.

2% of the incomes worth of tokens will be scorched on every exchange accordingly diminishing the number of tokens

available for use continually

The transformation rate for buys is the underlying ICO cost (0.1 Euro) or the market estimation of the token (whichever is higher). This is drawback insurance. The financial specialists can make certain that there is dependably a business opportunity for tokens since they offer genuine items.

Tokens are constantly usable in the Yanu automated bars. You can simply spend your tokens in a bar for at any rate the underlying ICO cost. Tokens will dependably have the incentive for what you got them at ICO.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the yanu  project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join yanu social media today please follow these resources:


Username : andylioe78
Address 0xf1Aee635fb241e9668bE8d32Dd1AffA39Fc4a744
