About Goldiam

Goldiam is the future of gold mining and diamonds in blockchain. With Goldiam, you will be able to buy real Gold and Diamond and deliver it directly to you with the relevant certificate. The security of this transaction is preserved with blockchain technology. Alternatively, you can choose to keep your assets in your Goldiambox wallet and earn more Goldiam coins every month. And with Globeunion platform, you can send and receive Goldiam coins worldwide easily. You can then convert Goldiam coins into another cryptococcus or even fiat.

Our Main Project

Buying Gold and Diamonds
Goldiam lets you buy Gold and Diamond with Cryptocurrency - Goldiam Coins. Through our Gold and Diamond platform, you can now buy these assets, keep them safe in your wallet or withdraw whenever you want. Gold or Diamond withdrawn along with a security license will be sent to your home. So investing with Goldiam is completely risk free.

GoldiamBox Wallet
The GoldiamBox Wallet lets you earn money by not doing anything. All you need to do is hold a coin for a minimum period of 1 month and you will get the reward. Goldiam rewards the user for every coin he has held and the award is instantly available. So you have many ways to benefit from your investment. You can benefit from Gold and Diamond, or you can get rewards from you Goldiam Coins.

GlobUnion Platform
With our GlobUnion platform, we can allow our users to send or receive Goldiam coins. So no matter where your part of the world is, you can accept or send this coin to your family anywhere. The recipient will be able to collect coins after being exchanged for the currency he wants so it can be another digital currency or even fiat.


Goldiam features
  • Money Transfer
  • With our GlobUnion platform, you can now send and receive money from any part of the world to any part of the world at any time.
  • Monthly rewards for asset holders
  • Earn coins by not doing anything. Hold your coin, and get your monthly reward inside your wallet. 
Invest and Enjoy!
Pure gold or diamond shipping
With Goldiam, you can withdraw gold or diamond any time you want and we will ship it to your door with license and all the necessary things.
Goldiam handles the security of your precious assets. So it's safe inside a blockchain if it's in the wallet and we give you a license when it is pulled.

Token Sale

Goldiam Smart Card

Mutual Authentication
For applications requiring secure card access, the Goldiam smart card can verify that the reader is authentic and can prove its own authenticity to the reader before starting a secure transaction.
Secure & Reliable
Full transparency and enhanced security thanks to blockchain safeguards user data, transaction and brand information.
Replace Fiat Money
No need to carry cash and credit cards everywhere you go. Pay with Goldiam Smart Card whenever you want.
Instant Payment
Now pay instantly with our Goldiam smart card, at your favorite shops and brands.


  • Q4 2017: Preparing ICO project  
  • Q1 2018: Pre Sale , Pre-ICO  
  • Q2 2018: Main ICO, Launching our own blockchain Goldiam, Calypsum wallet and Goldiambox Wallet, Listing Goldiam on Exchanges
  • Sign Legal agreement For Trading Gold And Diamond Physically  
  • Q3 2018: Start platform and app mobile to withdraw Gold and Diamond(s), Smart Goldiam Builder, Launch “GlobUnion” solution smart contract on the Goldiam blockchain  
  • Q4 2018: Sign the contract with company VISA/MASTERCARD , Smart Goldiam Exchange  
  • Q1 2019: Goldiam hardware wallet  
  • Q2 2019: ATM + Shopping App smart contract  
  • Q3 2019: Deploying smart contract "Open heart" on Goldiam blockchain, Goldiam Cryptocurrency Exchange.

Here are the reviews I've presented to all of you in finding information and knowing the GOLDIAM project that is currently being run by their teams, if there is any shortage in explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information and of course you will be able to talk directly with the founder or their team, on the link.

For more information and joining GOLDIAM social media today please follow some of the following resource:


Eth : 0xf1Aee635fb241e9668bE8d32Dd1AffA39Fc4a744
